The Journey To Wealth: Part 1


I've been told I should be writing more than I do... so whatever is on my mind I will attempt to share it from time to time...

This will be a multiple part series.

The journey to extreme wealth seems to be a long and arduous road, unless one is content with cheating their way, which I am not.

I do desire it though, more than I've desired anything in a long time.

Why you ask? Because while it's true that money can't buy happiness, it CAN buy freedom, which in turn buys you time, which buys you the ability to do what it is you want to do, which leads to happiness.

So actually I suppose I would argue that yes, money can buy happiness.


How can one achieve great wealth?

1) Inheritance - wealthy families generally lead to wealthy kids, and so on and so forth. What the kids do with that money remains to be seen, but it's the beginning of the chain.

2) Start/run a successful business - Google 'successful entrepreneurs' and your mind will be blown... from toys to books to internet start-ups...

3) Extremely disciplined with money/saving - those first two make up a huge bulk of very wealthy people... but it's also possible to save very, very well... I know people, and have read about people, who made around 30-40k a year but invested as much as possible and were multi-millionaires by 60.

That's pretty much the list... throw in winning the lottery, or professional athletes or movie stars, and you cover about 90-95% of extreme wealth.

In America, along with working hard, it also helps to be doing something new and exciting, that not a lot of others are doing, and that it's in demand.


This brings me to where I'm at...

It's dawned on me that unless I am able to become the Tony Perkins of music lessons, books, performing, etc... I'm going to have a hard time building the wealth I want in the time I would like...

Perhaps I'll have a hit song, sell a song, break through, but I'm not going to bank on it. The time and effort that people put into that when a HUGE percentage of time it leads to no financial gain what-soever does not sound appealing to me...

Something that can provide immediate and direct return DOES though. And that would be in the form of a business, but I'm not sure what it'll be yet...

I LOVE internet marketing, design, management, and when coupled with a solid business idea, profit can be just around the corner.

I don't want to sound too jaded or selfish... I have just changed a bit... haven't we all?

If the world could magically be run on love and helping each other that would be fantastic, and I used to believe that, but I don't want to struggle to afford gas every month, no matter how many positive vibes I'm sending out into the atmosphere.


Wealth comes in many forms...

Health (coincidence that it rhymes?), appearance, happiness, confidence, and of course financial.

The first step on my journey to wealth was cutting out alcohol, or at least making it a TINY part. I got in great shape, and am now very confident in the aspect of my life regarding diet, exercise, and how much I drink.

The next step was tackling the finances. I filed Chapter 7... paid off a ton of debt which some still to go, and started investing in the stock market...


I had a colleague once... still my colleague actually... that lived his whole life around the premise that people can't change.

I see the validity of some of his skepticism now, but I have proven his theory wrong. I have changed almost completely from whom I was last year. I am proof that someone can change.

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