I Like Abercrombie & Fitch... So What? If You Don't Like Them Or Their CEO Then Just Don't Shop There


There's been a firestorm of news lately regarding the Abercrombie & Fitch CEO's comments regarding overweight people. (A side note: contrary to popular theory, the reported sales drop by A&F happened quite awhile ago, and was NOT a result of said comments)

Look, this is very simple... this guy is the CEO. Chief Executive Officer. He can do whatever he damn well pleases with his company aside from breaking the law.

He wants to maintain what he perceives as an image reflective of the "popular kids" in school.

I happen to think he has done that.

Whether or not YOU think he is succeeding at that is irrelevant. The point is he can do whatever he wants.

I also happen to like the clothes.

I used to work there. I like everything about the store; from the slick marketing, pop/techno music, delicious cologne and perfume smell, to the trendy, fitted, and current clothing.

If you are overweight, why the obsession with wanting to wear the clothes? Just move on.

There's also an element of this that reflects what upsets you personally.

For me, this is no big deal. I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for overweight folks. 

I USED to be able to eat whatever I wanted and still remained rail thin. Now I have to Bust My Ass keep my figure. I'm talking lots of fruit and vegetables, loads of water, no sugar ever, no fast food, working out every day, and hardly ever any alcohol.

It's a lot of damn work. And if I slip up even for a couple days, I gain a few pounds in bloat that takes a week to lose.

If you are fat, then you have a lifestyle change to make.

I'm aware in some cases it is biological. I don't know to what extent, but I do know that it's not as common as is the obesity rate in America. If so then other countries would have a rate closer to our own, which they most certainly do not.

Put away the grease, fast food, and Coors Light, and make a grilled-chicken salad with a bottled water. That's a start.

Going back to my previous point about different things upsetting different people... I understand if you are overweight then this might upset you more than it does me.

If this guy was alienating gays or minorities, I would be more pissed because in my mind those are things that can't be helped.

However at the core I think the same rules would apply. He has the right to do and sell to whomever he wants.

It's up to the market to decide whether or not it's successful. 

Thus far he is laughing all the way to the bank.




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