Search For A Cure: Cluster Headaches & Me

I've always gotten headaches. We all get them from time to time, but when I was 12 I got the first of what I now know would become a lifelong up-and-down battle with Cluster Headaches.

From age 12, I've gotten a series of headaches about every 2 years for approximately a month at a time. During the month, the headaches come every couple days, almost always in the morning after waking. 

My diet has changed significantly over the years, and I've tried all sorts of medication. 

Some of the things I've tried... Maxalt, Imitrex, Excedrin all types, IB Profin, Aleve, Tylenol, Feverfew, Back & Body Ache, Magnesium, Fish Oil, Oxygen Treatment, Acupuncture, I've had CAT Scans, Claritin, Zyrtec, and more.


** Generally the headache starts as a pressure above my right temple. Almost a sick-like hollow feeling. That pain is tolerable in the first few minutes, but it's a sign of what's to come. Gradually it turns into what reminds me of what I've read about strokes... 

** Drooping right side of the face, especially the eye. 

** Watering eye, plugged right nostril, severe knifelike pain all over the side of the face and head. 

** The pain runs down to the neck and the back of my jaw. Deep inside to the sinuses. I can feel cracking inside my nose and head.

** It's brutal and debilitating. The only thing I can do is alternate between heat and ice, hot water and cold water showers over the head, and try to relax and sleep, which is very difficult with the pain.

** They can last anywhere from 2-12 hours, usually on the longer side. 

Sinuses come back clear though when I've had them tested.

I'm starting to suspect allergies may play a part, as my head has felt a little clearer of late after I got an air purifier, and have stayed diligent with my claritin.

However I did get one this morning, 3/17/13, but was able to mentally fight it off so it was medium-tolerable when I had to go to work.

I don't know how I did that, but I did.

This particular Cluster started on around January 26th, and is still not over. It's lasted longer than others I remember.

What I'm searching for is a solution that can knock the headache out in a shorter amount of time.

Does anyone out there suffer from identical headaches? What solutions have you found?

Please keep your responses serious and well thought out. 

These fit the descriptions of Cluster Headaches, but are they? Or are they migraines? Or Sinus Headaches?

According to what I've read, the Sinus Headache is the most overdiagnosed type of headache. Many Sinus Headaches turn out to actually be Migraines or Clusters. So since my sinuses come back clear, I'm leaning against that as a possibility.

Stay tuned for updates. I just wanted to get this out on the web.

I can be contacted at if anyone has questions, advice, or tips. Thanx!


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