The Start Of My Journey Begins With Health

I feel like I only really started living just a few months ago.

Bumbling through my late teens and early 20's, racking up silly bills and student debt, practicing only when I felt it was necessary, and drinking myself into an overweight stupor by the time I was 30.

Now granted, I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth... I was afforded so many opportunities along the way. 

The contacts I made and musicians I had the honor of playing with through my 20's gave me the foundation I have today to send my career to the next level.

However, none of this would be possible without my complete and utter change of lifestyle.

If I can do it, ANYONE can do it, because I honestly thought I would never be able to stop drinking.

I had a breakthrough, and one day you might have yours. 

Mine was based in vanity, in that I've always wanted to have a killer body, and I knew deep down that alcohol would never allow that to happen.

Pride, or vanity, is one of the seven deadly sins yes, but I think it's less deadly if one is aware of it's potential to hurt others, and keeps it in check.

This was the basis of my reasoning for stopping drinking, but the bottom line is it would improve my physical and mental health in many other ways, so who cares about the ultimate reason?

Everyone will have their own ultimate reason for stopping. The key is to find yours.

There will be many more posts along the way on this topic, but this is a start...

In late October, I stopped drinking alcohol, I cut unnecessary sugar and all soda out, changed my diet drastically, and started working out regularly.

The results have been amazing. 

I've dropped about 25 pounds, put on 5-10 pounds of muscle, and almost have the abs that I've always wanted. I will get them, it's just a matter of time.

The most wonderful result of this has been the clearing of my brain... I'm kicking myself for frittering away countless other opportunities through my 20's, but take solace in the fact that it was a lesson learned.

I'm jump-starting my career as a singer/songwriter as of now, and also am pursuing other aspects of acting, modeling, and writing. It's all arts, and it's what I love.

Also coffee.

Please don't take this post as vanity, or as a 'rub-it-in-your-face' kind of thing. If you're unhappy with your body/health/career status, YOU can change it. But only you, no one else.

I'm still working on that aspect of it, and probably always will be, but I'm a helluva lot further along today than I was six months ago.

There are MANY people I have to thank for believing in me and continuing to believe in me, and you all know who you are. You will be thanked time and time again, and our friendships will be lifelong.

I invite you to join me on this journey, and perhaps start your own in the process.

This is the first post of many on many different topics, but it has all been made possible by a switch that went off in my mind towards the end of October.

I recommend the movie "Limitless"... a nice metaphor for the feeling of a clean system... aside from the terrible side-effects of the drug early in the movie...


  1. Kit:

    Great post to open up your blogging. I believe in everything you've stated. It IS extremely difficult to make a lifestyle change, let alone one so socially influenced as drinking. However, it CAN be done.

    I'm very proud of what you've accomplished since October, and what you continue to explore. Know that you always have my support.

    All my best,

    Todd Bowlsby

  2. Hi Kit, I'm good friends with Paul Creighton and always come to see you guys at Jimmy Maks. You are truly gifted and I was glad to see this blog. Your life changing focus on your health shows and it is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing the journey with us all. Aaron T.

  3. Hey Aaron thanx for the kind words man! Much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you again. May 19th at Jimmy Mak's. Paul is amazingly talented and quite amazing. I learned a lot of lessons from him about business, responsibility, and just managing life itself. He's someone who got to deal with my immaturity for a long time. I definitely wouldn't have been able to begin to make some of the changes I've made without some of the things I've learned from him in particular. Did we disagree about things? Almost everything actually? Lol yes we did, but I still respect him a great deal. Keep in touch man. I'm planning for big things.

  4. @Todd thanx brother! You are someone I was referring to in the blog about being grateful for your support. It means a lot. I'll see you in the gym at some point for sure. Congrats on your first MMA fight.




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